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Bibliographic Gardens Muszyna

Bibliographic Gardens Muszyna

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ul. Kościelna 62, 33-370 Muszyna Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 511041322
Gardens played a special role in the history of mankind, and places such as Eden, the Garden of Gethsemane-the Garden of Olives were extremely important places for discovering one's spirituality, deepening one's faith, or simply relaxing. This is how the idea of the Muszyńskie Bible Gardens was born.

The Muszyńskie Bible Gardens are full of plant compositions, installations, sculptures and biblical quotations, which are designed to help visitors look inside themselves. Established in 2015 in the parish of St. Józef the Oblubieniec of the Blessed Virgin Mary and are still developing.  On the area of 1.3 ha, you will find 5 themed gardens in which there are plant species mentioned in the Bible, miniature landscapes as well as architecture and sculptures illustrating individual biblical themes. The first garden presents the history of salvation, from the creation of the world to the events depicted in the Revelation of St. John. The garden has a square shape and a gate of paradise leads to the garden, with a bas-relief of an angel with a sword guarding the entrance. On this gate there is an inscription in Latin: VENI DOMINE JESU (Come Lord Jesus). The garden is divided thematically into 4 parts: The Old Testament, The Life and Activities of Jesus, The Resurrection of Jesus and His Final Teachings, The Letters of the Apostles. The second garden is the Garden of Biblical Landscapes, which shows the geography of the Holy Land. The garden consists of three rectangles that form a square. One of the parts of the Garden shows the geographical layout of the Holy Land, and the other two - the desert arrangement and the elements of the agricultural landscape (including a vineyard and cereal plots). The third garden presents selected topics from the teachings of the prophets (there is, among others, a vineyard with a watchtower made of stone and selected passages of the Holy Scriptures ascribed to 16 prophets). The fourth garden, prepared especially for the youngest children, the Children's Bible Garden. The fifth garden is a labyrinth-shaped Garden for Lovers, the paths of which lead to a fish made of boxwood, a symbol of Christianity.
In Muszyńskie Biblical Gardens you can also enjoy water from the "Mary” spring of mineral water.