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Kościuszko Mound in Kraków

Kościuszko Mound in Kraków

Wśród drzew góruje na wzgórzu usypany kopiec, z drogą prowadzącą wokół na szczyt. Kopiec na około otoczony jest murem, wraz z zabudowaniami. Za nim rozpościera się panorama miasta.

Al. Waszyngtona 1, 30-204 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124251116
Kosciuszko Mound in Kraków is one of five mounds located in the city. It was erected to commemorate Tadeusz Kosciuszko - a great patriot and leader of the uprising in 1794.

The initiative for its construction came from the inhabitants who wanted to honour the leader, bound and buried in Kraków. The ideal way to appreciate the merits of this great patriot and hero was to have a Kosciuszko's Mound built like those of Wanda and Krakus. Its construction began on the 17th of October 1820, and both the young and the old, schoolchildren, uprising veterans, tourists and even foreigners who came to the city as tourists took part in it. The Mound was raised in 1823 on the top of St. Bronislawa Hill, in the western part of Kraków, and a granite stone was placed on top. Today, the Mound is a favourite place for walks by residents of Kraków, and from its top, one can enjoy a beautiful view of the city and its surroundings. Next to the Mound, there are exhibition rooms where one can see, among other things, an exhibition about Kosciuszko.