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Holy Trinity and Saint Leopold church Rzezawa

Holy Trinity and Saint Leopold church Rzezawa

Duży murowany kościół w Rzezawie pomalowany na biało, z zielonym dachem, otoczony drzewami.

ul. Kościelna 23, 32-765 Rzezawa Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146858330
The church in Rzezawa was built in the years 1848–1854 in a pseudo-renaissance style of brick and stone.
The temple has one nave and was erected on a Latin cross plan. There are chapels in the arms of the cross. In the main altar you can see an interesting painting of Saint Leopold holding the temple building in his hand. The polychromy was made at the beginning of the 21st century. The church stands on the site of previous temples. The first was built in the mid-14th century. According to legend, it was supposed to be built in nearby Borek, but the grey horse kept on transporting the materials collected for the construction of the church to the place where the temple is currently located.