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The church of St. Adalbert and the Elevation of the Holy Cross in Rożnów

The church of St. Adalbert and the Elevation of the Holy Cross in Rożnów

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Rożnów 124, 33-316 Rożnów Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 184403003
The church of St. Adalbert and the Elevation of the Holy Cross in Rożnów was builtin 1662 and consecrated in 1705.
The bipartite church comprises a polygonally closedpresbytery and a wider nave. The double-ridge roof is covered with sheet metal and has an ave-bell turret. The interior is covered with a false barrel vault adorned with contemporary polychrome decoration. The ceiling of the choir loft features polychrome decoration of around 1688. The baroque main altarpiece holds a sculpted Crucifixion group of the 1600s. The side altarpieces feature painted images of St. Adalbert and St. Mary of Sorrows. Another precious item is a stone baptismal font (17th/18th century) with a wooden lid (1663).