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The Parish Church of St. Adalbert and Our Lady of Sorrows in Modlnica

The Parish Church of St. Adalbert and Our Lady of Sorrows in Modlnica

Widok z góry na długi, wysoki, drewniany kościół z ciemnych desek, z dachem strzelistym, dwuspadowym krytym gontem. Na dachu wieżyczka z sygnaturką. Od lewej wejście do kościoła z drewnianymi, szerokimi drzwiami z daszkiem u góry. Szeroki przedsionek, za nim wyższa nawa, dalej niższy fragment z wejściem z boku do niskiego przedsionka. Dalej węższe prezbiterium. Na około dużo liściastych drzew. Przed kościołem i z boku alejka. U góry fragment zachmurzonego nieba.

ul. Św. Wojciecha 83, 32-085 Modlnica Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

tel. +48 124192015
The Parish Church of St. Adalbert and Our Lady of Sorrows in Modlnica dates from 1553. Originally the church was built in a cross shape, but already in 1622 the north wing was replaced by a renaissance brick chapel and tomb for the Kucharski family, and the wooden sacristy was replaced with a brick one.
It is worth paying attention to the gothic portals capped with ogee arches. Inside the church there is impressive renaissance polychrome decoration from 1562 while the chapel has ornamental and figurative polychrome dating from the middle of the C17th. The church fittings include C17th altars with the main altar including a gothic painting of Madonna with Child.