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Church of St Catherine of Alexandria in Nowy Targ

Church of St Catherine of Alexandria in Nowy Targ

Duży murowany kościół z jasną elewacją i wysoką wieżą z barokowym hełmem przodu. Wokół kościoła chodnik z kamienia, ładnie zadbane trawniki, wokół rosną drzewa. Teren otoczony murowanym ogrodzeniem.

ul. Kościelna 1, 34-400 Nowy Targ Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182666750
The brick church dates from 1346, having been founded by Casimir the Great on the occasion of the town's foundation – this is evidenced by the Latin inscription inside the church, which says: 'Fundata a Casimirum Magnum Anno Domini 1346'.

Neither the numerous fires that haunted Nowy Targ nor the Swedish Invasion of Poland spared the church, which repeatedly had to be rebuilt and renovated. During one of the fires in 1601, the wooden part of the church burned down completely . However, the building underwent reconstruction between 1605 and 1655, giving it a new appearance. At that time, a brick nave and a tower covered with a Baroque tented roof were erected. In 1634, the inhabitants of Nowy Targ added the Chapel of the Our Lady of the Rosary to the church. Further changes in the architecture of the church took place in the 18th century. At that time, the porch, bell tower and two portals were built. The interior decoration of the church is in the Baroque style. The main altar contains a 19th century painting of St Catherine. The side altar by the presbytery is also deserves attention. It dates from the second half of the 17th century and features a painting of the Transfiguration. Inside the church you can also admire the Baroque pulpit, decorated with figures of the Evangelists.