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Nowy Targ, St. Anna’s Cemetery Church

Nowy Targ, St. Anna’s Cemetery Church

Alejka z kamieni rozgałęzia się w dwóch kierunkach. Po prawej na trawie płyta nagrobkowa z krzyżem. Dalej drzewa i za nimi pomniki i dalej dom. Na wprost drewniany, ciemny kościół z wysokim, stromym dwuspadowym dachem, stojący bokiem. Na środku dachu pokrytego gontem wieżyczka z sygnaturką. Dalej wyższa, kwadratowa wieża z baniastym hełmem. Na bocznej ścianie tablice informacyjne i plakat. Z tyłu wysokie drzewa. Po lewej przy ścianie schody. Dalej mur z kamienia i drzewa. Na niebie kłębiasta chmura.

ul. Zacisze 17, 34-400 Nowy Targ Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

The beginnings of the innovative St. Anna’s Church are quite mysterious and unknown. Folk legends claim it was built at the beginning of the 13th century by thieves who stole the painting of St Anne from Hungary in order to put it on the altar (the inscription above the chancel says 1219, but there is no evidence that this is the year of the construction), but the second half of the 14th century is a much more realistic option.
The church, rising from a small, yet steep hill, has undergone a few alterations, but managed to maintain the harmony of its body. It looks very enchanting, on account of its tall, shingled roof and a younger, most probably 18th century tower crowned with a bulbous dome. Inside is a beautiful polychrome made by the local artist Hipolit Lipiński in 1880, while furnishings include items from different periods. The late Baroque main altar contains precious paintings from the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries.