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The Church of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary Rajbrot

The Church of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary Rajbrot

Drewniany kościół NMP w Rajbrocie z zewnątrz.

Rajbrot 43, 32-725 Rajbrot Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 146138040
The church in Rajbrot was built circa 1511. It is the third church built in this place.
The legend says that the previous temple, which stood on a lower ground, was taken away by the water of the nearby river and carried to Lipnica Murowana – to the site where the Church of St. Leonard stands today. The church in Rajbrot is a well-preserved example of Gothic wooden architecture. It is an oriented building erected in a log frame structure and covered with a high and steep roof. At the end of the 16th century, arcatures were added to the building. The main altar of the temple is adorned with the painting of the Mother of God with the Child and young John the Baptist painted in 1678. Regarded as miraculous, the painting was once an object of broad cult. Inside the church, it is worth noticing high-class wooden sculptures. One of them is the Crucifixion group on a rainbow beam, the figure of Madonna from Rajbrot and the small figure of Resurrected Christ. The most valuable sculpture from the church is currently kept by the Diocesan Museum in Tarnów. This figure represents the type of “Beautiful Madonnas” dating back to circa 1430-1440. Other precious elements of the temple furnishings include a wooden pulpit and a stone baptismal font. The walls and ceilings are adorned with sculptural and ornamental polychrome.