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Church of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, Lanckorona

Church of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, Lanckorona

Widok z góry od przodu na murowany, jasny budynek kościoła z wysoką, kwadratową wieżą z okrągłym dachem zwieńczonym ku górze, z dzwonnicą i zegarem, z prostokątną nawą główną z trzema wysokimi zakończonymi łukami oknami, z wejściem z boku nawy po kilku półokrągłych stopniach oraz z prostokątnym prezbiterium z dwoma oknami. Dach wysoki, jasnoszary z sygnaturką po środku. Na około kościoła ścieżka. Pod wieżą z boku wysoki krzyż. Wokół dużo budynków wśród rosnących drzew. Po lewej i na wprost zalesione wzgórza. Niebo pogodne i bezchmurne.

ul. św. Jana 5a, 34-143 Lanckorona Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

tel. +48 338763577
The Lanckorona temple is the most important religious building in this charming town. Situated in the very centre, it is one of the key elements of the historic development of the town centre.

The Church in Lanckorona was founded by King Casimir the Great in 1336 near the castle located on Lanckorona Mountain. Unfortunately, only the main walls with buttresses have survived. The Church was rebuilt several times. The first reconstruction took place in the 16th century. However, the Church was destroyed during the Swedish Deluge. In 1712, the Rosary Chapel was added to the nave with a Baroque altar and a painting by Wojciech Eijasz depicting the Virgin and Child. As a result of arson by the Muscovites during the Bar Confederation, the temple was again destroyed. In the 19th century, the wooden tower was replaced by a masonry tower on the western side of the building. This reconstruction was followed by the consecration of the Church in 1894.

The Church has the late Renaissance main altar with a painting of the Baptism of Christ and the Rosary Chapel, which contains a Baroque altar with an image of Our Lady and Child, the most noteworthy features. Outside, a painting with a representation of Golgotha was created on the wall of the chancel in the last century.

The Church is in the centre of the village. It is well worth a visit while strolling through the charming Lanckorona streets.