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Cichy Kącik Krynica Zdrój

Cichy Kącik Krynica Zdrój

wnętrze karczmy ze stolikiem z krzesłami i zabytkowym piecem

ul. Sądecka 2, 33-380 Krynica-Zdrój Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184712319
tel. +48 602520251
It was born out of a love of food and tradition. It survived the war and the occupation. Today, the inn, built in 1936 on the outskirts of Krynica, is proud to serve the finest food to today’s generation.
It was a hotspot restaurant famous worldwide – during the communist era, it hosted renowned dancing parties and was frequented by prominent people from the world of culture, politics and business. Today's notables also visit the inn. For several years, Cichy Kącik has been recognised in the 100 Best Restaurants competition as the best regional inn in Poland. It combines traditions, a sophisticated regional décor, and excellent cuisine using local products. The interior is decorated in a folk style with carefully selected decorations and hand-painted flowers on the walls. From spring onwards, you can use the covered garden with its summer kitchen, where chefs serve dishes straight from the grill. Cichy Kącik offers 130 comfortable seats for all guests, ample bus and car parking and a covered garden full of beautiful flowers, seating 100 people. The inn in summer and winter provides a unique experience with live music and joyful communal feasting.