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The Chapel of Christ in the Sepulchre in the cemetery in Moszczenica

The Chapel of Christ in the Sepulchre in the cemetery in Moszczenica

Słoneczny dzień. Na trawie obok alejki z płyt betonowych stoi nieduża kaplica pokryta w całości gontem. W ścianie małe okrągłe okienko. Na dachu sygnaturka. Na kaplicą na około nagrobki betonowe i tuje. Po prawej w oddali budynek i drzewa. Po lewej drzewa. Niebo z kilkoma kłębiastymi chmurami.

Moszczenica 243, 38-321 Moszczenica Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 183541001
The Chapel dates from around 1680.
It was moved to its present location from the old cemetery. It is a baroque-style chapel, erected on a hexagonal plan, with shingled walls and roof. In the entrance you can see a late-gothic portal from the first half of the C16th, crowned with an ogee arch. The paintings inside have scenes from The Passion of Our Lord in the folk baroque style and date from around 1680. The chapel fittings include a baroque painting of Christ in the Sepulchre with Our Lady of Sorrows from the turn of the C18th and a baroque sculpture of Christ at the Column.