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Widok z lotu ptaka na miasto, którym centralnym punktem jest rynek z murowanym z cegły ratuszem i mnóstwem drzew, rynek otaczają różnorodne kamienice

Jordanów Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

Travelling through Małopolska, it is worth staying in Jordanów, a town rich in history and monuments designed by Jan Sas-Zubrzycki.

Jan Sas-Zubrzycki, a great architect from Małopolska, designed the Town Hall in Jordanów, commissioned in 1911, which today is the seat of the Town Council. He also designed the former Municipal Court building along with the discovered polychromies. It houses the Jordanów Centre for Activation and Integration of Inhabitants, including a library, a cultural centre and a place for association and organisation activities. Another monument built according to the Sas-Zubrzycki project is the Church of the Most Holy Trinity (Sanctuary of Our Lady of Difficult Trust of Mrs Jordanowska) from 1913. The church houses many valuable historical paintings and liturgical vestments.        

In addition, a 17th-century statue of St. John of Nepomuk, located at the intersection of the main transport routes in the centre of Market Square, can be seen in Jordanów. The historic wooden manor house in Chrobacze from the early 18th century is noteworthy, as is the building ‘Poczekaj’ at Kolejowa Street, dating from the beginning of the 18th century.

One of the new attractions is a mural depicting the history of the town and an observation tower on Hajdówka.