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GOPR – Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue Beskids Group

GOPR – Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue Beskids Group

Kapliczka na polanie.
tel. 601 100 300
The Beskids Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue based in Szczyrk is the biggest of 7 Regional Groups of Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue that operate in the Silesian Beskid, Żywiec Beskid, Little Beskids and Makowski Beskid mountain ranges.

There are almost 1500 kilometres of hiking trail within this area. In terms of organisation, the Beskids Group is divided into 6 operational sections: Cieszyn, Bielsko-Biała, Szczyrk, Wadowice, Żywiec and Babia Góra. Rescue teams in Małopolska are on standby duty year-round in Markowe Szczawiny and on weekends in Leskowiec.

The Mountain Service is the key element of the activities of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue. In addition to the professional staff, the service is based mainly on the work of volunteer search and rescue personnel who devote their free time to help people in the mountains regardless of the time of day and the weather conditions, which by virtue of the rescuer’s oath they have solemnly sworn to do whenever their help is needed.

In the winter season, the Beskids Group provides commercial rescue services in more than 30 dedicated ski resorts operating in their area.

Contact information: +48 33 829 69 00, poczta@beskidy.gopr.pl.