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Manor house in Laskowa

Manor house in Laskowa

Słoneczny dzień. Widok z góry na kwadratowy, prosty, parterowy budynek dworu w jasnym kolorze, z wysokim, podwójnym dachem krytym gontem. Na parterze po środku drzwi, po bokach okna. Wokół dworu dużo zieleni, drzewa i krzewy, z tyłu widoczna panorama na budynki pod zalesionymi wzgórzami. Niebo z lekkimi chmurami.

ul. Laskowa 1, 34-602 Laskowa Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

Manor house in Laskowa is a valuable example of a wooden, baroque residential building. It was built in 1677 by contemporary owners of the village – the Laskowski family.
In 1688 the property was sold to a bishop - Jan Małachowski. When governed by new owners, the building became a seat of an assembly of missionary priests who established there a seat of administration of their goods and the sitting room was adapted to be a chapel of Mary’s Immaculate Conception. The following owners of the manor house were the Skrzyński and Żochowski families, Brodzic coat of arms, and from 1929– Zygmunt Michałowski from Dąbie near Szczyrzyc, Jasieńczyk coat of arms. After the Second World War the manor house and the grange were taken over by the Public Land Foundation, which placed there its Communal Office and later a youth shelter. Since 1992, the manor house has belonged to Eugenia and Antoni Michałowski, who renovated the destroyed building. The single-storey manor house, partially with a basement, was erected as a log cabin and its walls were plastered and whitewashed. It is a building erected on the rectangular plan with a three-bay interior layout. The manor house was covered with a high, shingle, Polish mansard roof of a Cracow type. The eaves is supported on the ends of beams that stick out in front of the face of the plastered wall. The interior of the manor house is covered with a barrel vault with lunettes or wood-beamed ceilings with soffits in the room on the ground floor. It is worth noticing that the ceiling over the old chapel is divided by a stucco decoration and its area is filled with a polychrome with geometric, floral and figural motifs. In the central part there is a canvas painting of Blessing Christ and in the corners there were busts of four Evangelists (only two remained). The manor house was once surrounded by a landscape park whose remnants we may admire to this day. Apart from the park, in the neighbourhood of the park there are utility buildings of the old grange from the turn of the 18th century (to the 19th century), which were rebuilt in the second half of the 20th century, and a chapel with a figure of St. John of Nepomuk (the end of the 18th century).