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Manor in Jeżów

Manor in Jeżów

Na wprost dwupiętrowy, jasny budynek, z owalną wieżą po lewej z tyłu. Na części elewacji zielone pnącza. Przed budynkiem taras. Obok stoją niewielkie metalowe rzeźby. Po bokach wysokie drzewa i prześwitujące pomiędzy gałęziami promienie słoneczne.

Jeżów 4, 38-850 Wilczyska Tourist region: Pogórza

The manor in Jeżów was built in the late 15th century, later on it was reconstructed several times.
The plan of the manor is similar to a square with an oval tower in one of the corners. Inside, the elements of the original Renaissance stonework are preserved: door framings and a fireplace with the Ionic pilasters. In the park around the manor, we may find the remains of moats and fortifications attesting to the former defensive character of the building. Now, it is used as the House of Creative Work.