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Głowiński Family’s Manor Raba Wyżna

Głowiński Family’s Manor Raba Wyżna

Trawnik i wysokie drzewa. Za nimi, częściowo zasłonięty szeroki, murowany, jasny budynek z wysoką kamienną podmurówką. Po lewe kwadratowa wieża trzykondygnacyjna z dachem czterospadowym. Za nią niższy budynek jednopiętrowy z wysokimi oknami na piętrze i małymi na parterze. Po prawe widać fragment trzykondygnacyjnej części budynku. Pomiędzy drzewami u góry przebija bezchmurne niebo.

Raba Wyżna 1, 34-721 Raba Wyżna Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

Built for Jan Zduń in 1902, the Art Nouveau building is a reminder of the revival period when the village suddenly became closer to the world thanks to the Chabówka-Zakopane railway line running in that area.

The manor was inherited by Zduń’s daughter Wanda, who married Kazimierz Głowiński (1878-1942), k. & k. district commissioner in Nowy Targ. The Głowiński family distinguished themselves in the history of the village. They established mills, sawmills, weaving shops and oil mills here, providing jobs for the residents, who had previously been involved only in farming.
After the war, the estate became state property and was the seat of the Zootechnics Institute, and then passed into the care of the state-owned Osiek Breeding Centre – Raba Wyżna Facility. In the 1980s, the manor underwent a general renovation and in 1985 was entered in the register of cultural historical monuments. For several years it served as a resort hotel. Ultimately, a descendant of the Głowiński family bought the manor; unfortunately, the building is now very neglected and unusable. Only the exterior of the manor can be toured.