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War Cemetery no. 60 in Małastów

War Cemetery no. 60 in Małastów

Cmentarz z wieloma drewnianymi krzyżami z białymi tabliczkami z nazwiskami, pomiędzy drzewami, po lewej, oraz po prawej z tyłu, z drewnianą kaplicą z wizerunkiem Matki Bożej w szczycie na dachu. Nad nią daszek postawiony na pionowych i poziomych belkach. Naokoło kamienne ogrodzenie. Za drzewami pomiędzy gałęziami przebija niebo.

Przełęcz Małastowska, 38-307 Małastów Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

Similarly to all cemeteries in the 1st Żmigrod cemetery district, the necropolis on Małastowska Pass was designed by Dušan Jurkovič.
Surrounded by a wooden fence, the necropolis was carefully renovated. It is the burial site of 174 soldiers from the Austro-Hungarian Army, including many Poles. The cemetery features wooden grave crosses, characteristic for Jurkovič’s designs, and the uniquely original wooden matzevah on the grave of Mendel Brod, an Austro-Hungarian soldier of Jewish origin. Further down in the cemetery, a soaring building with small shingled roofs and a cross composition, at first resembling a chapel, also attracts attention.