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Orthodox Church of St Basil the Great Konieczna

Orthodox Church of St Basil the Great Konieczna

Na wprost drewniana cerkiew z ciemnych desek z trójbocznie zamkniętym prezbiterium z wysokim oknem i wieżyczką na dachu. Przy nim niska dobudówka z oknem. Dalej wysoka nawa z dwoma oknami i wieżyczką z sygnaturką na dachu. Za nią górny fragment kwadratowej wieży z baniastym hełmem u góry. Przed cerkwią stoi drewniana dzwonnica z małą wieżyczką. Wokół wysoka trawa i drzewa. Niebo częściowo zachmurzone.

38-315 Konieczna Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 697523701
The Orthodox church in Konieczna was built in 1903–1905 on the site of a previous temple that had burned down. The temple is located on the road to Gładyszów, about half a kilometre from the Slovak border.

The original plan was to build a brick temple, but the poor residents were unable to bear the cost of such a building. They only managed to build a wooden one with the help of emigrants of Lemko origin. Its equipment was supplemented over the next dozen years. In 1912, an iconostasis was imported from Drohobych.

This Orthodox church is a wooden structure with a construction that is quite unusual for this area: it has a polygonal sanctuary and a tower with vertical walls. From 1947, after the displacement of the Lemkos, the temple stood abandoned, deteriorating. In 1952, it was decided to demolish it, however, it was saved thanks to the firm protests of the local residents at the time.

After 1956, the returning Lemkos tried for many years to get permission to use the Orthodox Church of Saint Basil the Great. Renovations didn’t begin until 1967, after the temple was handed over to the Orthodox. In 1969, the temple was handed over to the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church as a branch of the parish of Zdynia. Since then, the temple has been renovated several times. 2010 saw the completion of repairs of the roof which had been damaged by a massive storm in 2004. The renovation was possible thanks to funding from the project aimed at the conservation of the lesser horseshoe bat, a colony of which is located in the building’s attic.

Next to the church is the parish cemetery with several well-preserved old gravestones. A plot for the World War I soldiers cemetery was set aside.

The temple is part of the Wooden Architecture Route.