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The Greek Catholic church of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Birth in Łosie

The Greek Catholic church of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Birth in Łosie

Na wprost drewniana cerkiew, obita gontem, widziana z boku. Od prawej prezbiterium z drzwiami po kilku betonowych schodach. Obok wyższa nawa z dwoma oknami, po lewej fragment wieży z wieżyczką z baniastym hełmem. Dach pokryty blachą. Na nawie i prezbiterium podobne wieżyczki z baniastymi hełmami. Z boku cerkwi stoi wysoki drewniany krzyż. Przed nim ścieżka pomiędzy trawnikiem. Po lewej w ogrodzeniu wąska tuja i za ogrodzeniem wysokie drzewa. Na niebie kilka kłębiastych chmur.

Łosie 219, 38-312 Ropa Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183534304
tel. +48 603721193
The Greek Catholic church of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Birth in Łosie was erected in 1810.
The church was reconstructed in 1876 or 1928 when, for example, the navewas widened and two vestries at the presbytery were added and so it became a structureresembling one on a Greek-cross plan. It is a north-western Lemko church featuring shingled walls while the roof is irregular, with a ridge, covered with sheet metal and topped with small sheet-metal bulbs. The interior is covered with flat ceilings. The walls inside feature polychrome decoration of 1935. The most precious item inside is a neo-baroque iconostasis from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries and baroque side altarpieces. Sites worth seeing! Several kilometres from Łosie there is Klimówka lagoon, by which scenes of With Fire and Sword were shot.