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Orthodox Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (Cerkiew Narodzenia świętego Jana Chrzciciela) in Gładyszów

Orthodox Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (Cerkiew Narodzenia świętego Jana Chrzciciela) in Gładyszów

Wnętrze drewnianej, wąskiej cerkwi. Po bokach drewniane ławki i przy nich duże chorągwie. Na wprost stół przykryty obrusem, po bokach wysokie świeczniki. Dalej ikonostas na dole z dwoma obrazami, u góry ikony ze świętymi. U drewnianego sufitu wisi żyrandol na świece.

Gładyszów 45, 38-309 Gładyszów Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 697523701
This wooden Orthodox church has survived various vicissitudes. Today, the Orthodox church, located to the side of residential buildings, is again an Orthodox church and one of the objects on the Wood-en Architecture Route in Małopolska.

It is an Orthodox parish church, built as a Greek Orthodox chapel, today belonging to the deanery of Gorlice of the Przemyśl diocese of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church. What had been a Greek Orthodox church that was built in 1857 was expanded in 1914, following the burning down of the former church and taking over its function as a parish church. It was used by Greek Catholics until the displacement of Lemkos in 1947. Later it was converted into a stable, and in 1967 it was handed over to the Orthodox Church. In 1978–1982 the building was completely renovated. The church is a wooden, oriented, single-nave hall without a separate chancel, closed on three sides, with a porch. In the middle of the roof covered with sheet metal is a quadrilateral tower with a tented roof. The walls of the oldest part of the building are of a log structure and are covered with shingles. The added vestibule is of pole construction. The interior of the church is divided into a nave and a closed trilateral presbytery by the wall of the iconostasis from the twentieth century. The ceiling is flat. The walls and ceiling of the presbytery are decorated with a folk art polychrome depicting the Holy Trinity. Next to the church is a wooden bell tower built on a square plan, covered with a tent roof.