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The Greek Catholic Parish Church of the Ascension of Our Lord in Gładyszów

The Greek Catholic Parish Church of the Ascension of Our Lord in Gładyszów

Na wprost, widziana z ukosa, drewniana cerkiew. Od prawej alejka i kilka schodów do wejścia na nieduży ganek. Dalej przedsionek z trójkątnym szczytem, za nim nawa z nadbudówkami z oknami, z trójkątnymi szczytami i wieżyczkami. Na górze ośmiokątna wieża z oknem i baniastym hełmem. Wkoło trawa, kilka wysokich drzew i drewniane ogrodzenie. Z tyłu pola, łąki i zalesione wzgórza. Na niebie kilka małych chmur.

Gładyszów 46, 38-315 Gładyszów Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183532247
tel. +48 517221554
The Greek Catholic Parish Church of the Ascension of Our Lord in Gładyszów was built in 1938-39 by Hutsul carpenters.
The origin of the builders resulted in an unusual church, which does, however, manage to enchant with its beauty and proportions. The church was erected to the Greek cross plan. The iconostasis – as a result of the outbreak of World War II – could not be completed. The fittings consist of: a main altar with a canopy and tabernacle, two rococo side altars, one with an icon of The Crucifixion (C18th), the other with Madonna with Child C18th). In recent years an iconostasis has been built –at once bringing to a close the work begun at the end of the 1930s.