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The Greek Catholic Church of St. Demetrius in Bogusza (currently the Roman Catholic Rectoral Church of St. Antony)

The Greek Catholic Church of St. Demetrius in Bogusza (currently the Roman Catholic Rectoral Church of St. Antony)

Na wprost dalej za niskim ogrodzeniem z kamieni stoi drewniana cerkiew. Od lewej niska zakrystia z oknem i drzwiami, dalej wyższa nawa z dwoma oknami i wysoka wieża z pochyłymi ścianami. Na dachach pokrytych blachą trzy wieżyczki z baniastymi hełmami. Wokół cerkwi kilka wysokich drzew. Po lewej dalej drzewa. Po prawej bliżej drewniana dzwonnica z wiszącymi dzwonami. Na dachu wieżyczka z baniastym hełmem. W tle niżej domy, drzewa i daleko zalesione wzgórza. Na niebie ciężkie chmury.

Bogusza 55, 33-334 Bogusza Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184456587
The Greek Catholic Church of St. Demetrius in Bogusza (currently the Roman Catholic Rectoral Church of St. Antony) dates from 1858. It was erected using log construction with shingled walls.
A gable roof tops the nave, while the chancel has a polygonal roof. The polychrome decoration on the ceiling and walls, which imitates classical stone architecture, was carried out by V. Zomph in 1873. The iconostasis dates from around 1670 and was split up in order to transfer it to the interior of the chancel. Worth seeing in the area! Bogusza is a village situated in the Low Beskids, in the valley of the Królówka stream, in the Grybowskie Mountains and it is located in the areas inhabited by the Lemkos. Next to the wooden Greek-Catholic Church, there is the Orthodox Church of 1930 in the village. The first mention of Bogusza appeared in a letter of 1460 issued by the Kraków chamberlain, Mikołaj Pieniążek. Bogusza is listed here along with the neighbouring village of Binczarowa, in connection with granting the residents of both villages the right to cut trees and graze cattle in the forests located south of the village. At the end of the 17th century, there were 9 holdings in the village and a watermill operated there. The owners were, successively, the families of Grodzieńscy, Denhoff, Tarkowscy and Wodziccy.