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The Filial Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Polany (currently the Filial Roman Catholic Church with the same dedication)

The Filial Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Polany (currently the Filial Roman Catholic Church with the same dedication)

Na wprost na niewielkim wzgórzu z trawą, tujami wkoło kamiennego ogrodzenia z daszkiem pokrytym gontem stoi drewniana cerkiew z wieżą z pochyłymi ścianami, dalej z nawą. Z trzema wieżyczkami na dachu z baniastymi hełmami i krzyżami. Po lewej za cerkwią drzewa, wysoki drewniany krzyż i dwie tablice informacyjne. Niebo prawie bezchmurne.

Polany, 33-380 Krynica-Zdrój Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184711776
The Filial Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Polany (currently the Filial Roman Catholic Church with the same dedication) dates from 1820. It is a Lemko church, built using log construction with shingled walls.
The architectonic-figurative polychrome dates from 1862: on the ceilings you can see biblical scenes, and on the choir parapet – scenes from the Old Testament. A painted canopy stretches above the iconostasis. The church fittings consist of the C19th iconostasis (two sovereign icons – Christ Teaching and St. Michael the Archangel). The chancel contains a late-baroque altar with an C18th painting of the Pieta.