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The Greek Catholic Filial Church of St. Demetrius in Szczawnik (currently a Roman Catholic Filial Church)

The Greek Catholic Filial Church of St. Demetrius in Szczawnik (currently a Roman Catholic Filial Church)

Na wprost za niskim ogrodzeniem z kamieni stoi drewniana cerkiew obita gontem z dachami blaszanymi. Z przodu mały ganek z wejściem. Przed nim stoi wysoki krzyż. Za gankiem wysoka kwadratowa wieża z pochyłymi ścianami. Za nią niska nawa z dwoma oknami. Na dachach trzy wieżyczki z baniastymi hełmami i krzyżami. Po prawej wysokie drzewo liściaste. Pod nim ścieżka. Z tyłu drzewa i niewielkie wzgórze. Po lewej ścieżka. Na niebie kłębiaste chmury.

Szczawnik, 33-370 Muszyna Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184714130
The Greek Catholic Filial Church of St. Demetrius in Szczawnik (currently a Roman Catholic Filial Church) was built in 1841. It was repeatedly repaired in the second half of the C20th.
It is a tripartite West Lemko church built using log-construction with shingled walls. The ornamental-figurative polychrome was applied in 1936-37. The fittings include: a late baroque iconostasis from the turn of the C19th, an altar with a C19th icon of the Crucifixion in the chancel, and late baroque side altars in the nave with paintings of: The Transfiguration of Our Lord and The Mourning of Christ. The chancel walls contain an impressive collection of interesting icons. Worth seeing in the area! The village is situated in the Sądecki Beskids, at the foot of Pusta Wielka (1061 m a.s.l) and Kotylniczy Wierch (1033 m a.s.l).The name is derived from mineral springs which Szczawnik is rich in (bicarbonate-sodium-magnesium-calcium-ferruginous naturally carbonated waters with a high content of carbon dioxide). In winter, Szczawnik acts as a ski resort (a chairlift is located here). Through Szczawnik runs the yellow tourist route from Muszynka via Wojkowa to Żegiestów, east of the village runs the green route from Płocki to Jaworzyna. In nearby Wojkowa, it is worth seeing the wooden St. St. Cosmas and Damian Orthodox church.