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The Corpus Christi Church Krakow

The Corpus Christi Church Krakow

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ul. Bożego Ciała 26, 31-059 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124305995
The Corpus Christi Basilica in Krakow is a masterpiece of Polish woodcarving of the mid-17th century and an architectural gem. The monumental temple with a soaring tower reigns over Krakow's Kazimierz.

The brick church was founded around 1340 by Casimir the Great. Construction was interrupted in 1348 after the presbytery foundations and walls had been erected. Mason Cypser continued it in 1369. The church was consecrated in 1401, but the construction continued until 1405 when Władysław Jagiełło brought in the Canons Regular of the Lateran. Work continued until 1477; the top of the façade was added in 1500, and the tower in 1566-1582. In 1405 the monastery was built. It is a vast, monumental, brick and stone Gothic basilica with a soaring tower. The three-aisled, light and slender church has an elongated chancel with a vestry, treasury and oratory. The four-bay body is surrounded by chapels and porches, with an adjoining tower. An arcaded passage connects the church with the monastery. The attention is drawn to the former punishment cell on the porch, where sinners were locked up. The baroque furnishings of the church mostly replaced the Gothic ones. The enormous wooden, richly gilded main altar, a work of the workshop of Baltazar Kuncz from 1637, contains paintings by Thomas Dolabella. The Mannerist canonical stalls, dating to 1624 - 1632, are decorated with statues of saints and paintings on backrests from the workshop of Thomas Dolabella. The pulpit from the 18th century has the shape of a boat. In the presbytery fragments of Gothic stained-glass windows from 1430 have been preserved and set into one window. In the chapel is a graceful painting, Madonna with Apple, from the turn of the 16th century, painted on boards and attributed to the painter Martin Czarny. The church has had the largest organ in Krakow since 1957, consisting of the main organ in the choir and side organs in the chancel. In 2005 Pope John Paul II raised the church to the dignity of a basilica minor. Indulgences are held on Corpus Christi, 5 May on the feast of St. Stanislaus of Kazimierz, and 28 August on the feast of St. Augustine.