- Resolution No. 1/17 of the Board of the Małopolska Voivodeship of 3 January 2017 on the approval of the Concept for the Construction of an Integrated Network of Cycling, Cross-Country and Cross-Country Ski Trails in the Małopolska Voivodeship
The resolution includes:o Concept for the construction of an integrated route network in the Małopolska region;
o Manual for the design of cycling routes
- Voivodeship Development Strategy ‘Małopolska 2030’ (draft)
- Guidelines for the organisation of safe cycling traffic together with a catalogue of exemplary solutions of infrastructure for cyclists
https://www.gov.pl/web/infrastruktura/wytyczne-bezpiecznego-ruchu-rowerowego - Position of the Convention of Marshals of the Voivodeships of the Republic of Poland (including of 7 June 2019 on the numbering system and principles of signposting of national and regional cycle routes) – attached
- Regulation of the Ministers of Infrastructure and Internal Affairs and Administration of 31 July 2002 on road signs and signals (JoL nr 170 item 1393 as amended)
http://www.dziennikustaw.gov.pl/DU/2019/454 - European Certification Standard for the European Cycle Route Network (PDF in Polish)
- Planning and promotion of the development of cycling. Manual. Capacity building material for participants of mobile2020. http://www.mobile2020.eu/fileadmin/Handbook/podrecznik-mobile2020.pdf
- EU Cycling Strategy 2017 r. https://ecf.com/eu_cycling_strategy
- The European Cycle Route Network Eurovelo Study http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=IPOL-TRAN_ET(2012)474569
- How to get European funds for cycling investments. Guide for Poland on the Programming Process for the European Regional Development Fund 2021 – 2027 - PDF
- Evaluation study on the measurement of the long-term result indicator of the ROP of the Małopolskie Voivodeship for 2014–2020: Number of people using bicycle routes in the region - PDF
The contractor for the study was EU-Consult sp. z o.o & Utilia sp. z o.o., and the implementation period lasted from 23 June 2021 to 16 December 2021. - Małopolska Centre for Regional Development: Survey of Małopolska residents 2021. 13th edition .
- Feasibility study of a common certification scheme for cycle-friendly services of the Visegrad countries, developed within the framework of the project Cyclists Welcome in V4’ funded by the Visegrad Fund - PDF
Basic documents linked to the development of cycling tourism in the Małopolska region

Below you will find a compilation of guidelines/documents/guidance on cycle tourism: