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Basic documents linked to the development of cycling tourism in the Małopolska region

Basic documents linked to the development of cycling tourism in the Małopolska region

Koncepcja budowy zintegrowanej sieci tras w Małopolsce
Below you will find a compilation of guidelines/documents/guidance on cycle tourism:
  1.   Resolution No. 1/17 of the Board of the Małopolska Voivodeship of 3 January 2017 on the approval of the Concept for the Construction of an Integrated Network of Cycling, Cross-Country and Cross-Country Ski Trails in the Małopolska Voivodeship
    The resolution  includes:

    o Concept for the construction of an integrated route network in the Małopolska region;

    o Manual for the design of cycling routes

  2.   Voivodeship Development Strategy ‘Małopolska 2030’ (draft)             
  3. Guidelines for the organisation of safe cycling traffic together with a catalogue of exemplary solutions of infrastructure for cyclists
  4. Position of the Convention of Marshals of the Voivodeships of the Republic of Poland (including of 7 June 2019 on the numbering system and principles of signposting of national and regional cycle routes) – attached
  5. Regulation of the Ministers of Infrastructure and Internal Affairs and Administration of 31 July 2002 on road signs and signals (JoL nr 170 item 1393 as amended)
  6.  European Certification Standard for the European Cycle Route Network (PDF in Polish)
  7. Planning and promotion of the development of cycling. Manual. Capacity building material for participants of mobile2020.
  8. EU Cycling Strategy 2017 r.
  9. The European Cycle Route Network Eurovelo Study
  10. How to get European funds for cycling investments. Guide for Poland on the Programming Process for the European Regional Development Fund 2021 – 2027 - PDF
  11. Evaluation study on the measurement of the long-term result indicator of the ROP of the Małopolskie Voivodeship for 2014–2020: Number of people using bicycle routes in the region - PDF
    The contractor for the study was EU-Consult sp. z o.o & Utilia sp. z o.o., and the implementation period lasted from 23 June 2021 to 16 December 2021.
  12. Małopolska Centre for Regional Development: Survey of Małopolska residents 2021. 13th edition . 
  13. Feasibility study of a common certification scheme for cycle-friendly services of the Visegrad countries, developed within the framework of the project Cyclists Welcome in V4’ funded by the Visegrad Fund  - PDF 

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